Seems bad luck has hit Satyam too hard - The 7,800 crore fraud and then Maytas Infra loosing out on Hyderabad Metro Project deal. Its good to see Satyam eventually getting back on its feet. Thanks to the government a board is finally on the verge of being setup within 24hrs in order to stabilize the scam-affected company. I hope the board comes up with a hope for its 55,000 employees (almost 30,000 of them have even posted their CVs on job portals, one of them even managed to reach my company). If Satyam proves itself in letting its operations continue then it would be a great relief not only to its employees but also to its stakeholders & customers worldwide. This would atleast gain some help in bringing back the lost trust which our IT industry has suffered after such a forgery.
Good luck Satyam!